Advocating & Preserving The Legal Rights of South Louisiana’s Citizens

Baton Rouge Lawyers
Beall & Thies is a boutique Baton Rouge law firm representing clients in a range of legal matters focusing on personal injury and criminal defense. Clients who have been injured in an accident come to us needing a financial settlement that will pay their medical bills, cover the costs of rehabilitation and lost wages, and compensate them for a loss of quality of life. These clients may be going up against well-financed defendants. Slip and fall cases may require a detailed knowledge of medical reports. Product liability lawsuits call for a deep investigation into the source of the malfunction. Our experienced attorneys understand how to get the information our clients need in cases like these, as well as other accidents that may involve negligence on the part of another person.

Honest Attorneys for Honest People
Beall & Thies has been together as a firm for over 20 years. Our lawyers individually have over 100 years of experience fighting for clients. A firm that lasts that long does it by doing hard work for people that need it. People who need a lawyer are going through a difficult time in their life. They need to know that their attorney has been through these legal battles before and understands what it takes to win.
Investigating a case, be it an accident, an alleged crime, or a divorce, calls for a deep attention to detail. Our clients need the peace of mind that comes from knowing their attorney will diligently explore all avenues and acquire the information they need to give the case its best chance.
Our clients need to know that their lawyer understands how to negotiate with powerful forces and not back down. Personal injury settlements require give-and-take with insurance companies. Criminal cases mean knowing how to deal with a D.A. Finally, a client has to have confidence that their lawyer has experience in front of a jury. Beall & Thies has built a track record of success because we aren’t afraid to stand in front of 12 people and give a full-throated presentation of our client’s case.
At Beall & Thies, we care deeply about the law and its proper application. But more than that, we care about the people we represent. We care about their lives, their futures and those of their families. We care about the good of this Baton Rouge community we’re so proud to be a part of. That’s why we fight.

"They are professional and go above and beyond customer satisfaction. I was informed every step of the way on updates and case progress. I highly recommend this firm for all your legal needs!! I am thankful for all they have done for me!!"Barb Nemerovsky
Our commitment to community doesn’t stop at the courthouse door. When we’re away from the office, we’re proud to run Fur-Ever Home Foundation, a non-profit organization devoted to finding homes for pets currently in the animal shelter.
Learn more about the Fur-Ever Home Foundation and help a homeless pet out today.

We Fight for The Best Result. Every Time.
Communicate Directly With Your Attorney
Personalized Strategy for Every Case
Over 100 Years of Combined Experience
$5.5 Million Verdict
Drunk Driver Crosses Median - Kills Family
What started the high-speed game of “ Cat and Mouse” will never be publically known. What is known is the drivers of two vehicles became indifferent to the rules of the road and began participating a road rage incident that lasted for almost ten miles. It was a night along I-12 in Baton Rouge that will never be forgotten.
$1.6 Million Verdict
Truck Pulls Down Low Hanging Wire
Our client was a 31 year old single mother who was traveling I-12 west near the Essen Lane Overpass. As she approached the overpass, an 18-wheeler contacted and tore down a low hanging wire causing it to become entangled in her car and violently pulled her car sideways. The wire then snapped from it’s mounting on a pole and repeatedly whipped about eventually totaling her car.
$1.4 Million Settlement
Defective Drug Results in Death
Our client was a 28 yr old widow who had one child and was pregnant with another. Her husband had been in great physical shape, was active in sports, but did have a history of low back pain for which he was prescribed and took a specific medication. One evening, he awoke with bad chest pains and suddenly went into cardiac arrest. As our client was a registered nurse, she attempted CPR on her husband while awaiting for emergency medical responders. Unfortunately, the young man passed away.
$1.4 Million Settlement
Fatigued 18 Wheeler Driver Kills Mother
It has happened to us all – car trouble. We do what we are supposed to do and move to the shoulder. We call for help and wait. While waiting, we watch drivers speeding past us. We trust they are considering our safety and that all will be fine until help arrives. We especially trust the professional drivers of big trucks to operate and control their vehicles in a manner that will keep us from harm.
$1.3 Million Settlement
Illegal Left Turn Causes Death
Our client was a law enforcement officer who responded to a traffic accident on I-12. As EMS responders provided aid to the victims, the officer began directing traffic through the accident scene and into an open lane of travel. It was a rainy dark evening and the officer had his yellow reflective suit on and was holding his flashlight to direct traffic.
$1.2 Million Settlement
"Muscle Car" Hydroplanes & Crashes into RV
In testimony she referred to it as a “muscle car”. So, it came as no surprise to us that when a young girl decided to execute a dangerous lane change, she lost control of her “muscle car” causing it to collide with a local family’s RV. Out of control on a wet surface, the Camaro slid at highway speed and slammed into our clients’ motorhome. One moment the motorhome is returning from a family outing, and the next moment it was sent into a violent spin, where it almost began flipping. While the Dad was...

Our Location
- Beall & Thies, LLC 351 Saint Ferdinand Street Baton Rouge, LA 70802 225-577-6223 [+] Map & Directions
Contact Our Office
Whether you have questions or you’re ready to get started, our legal team is ready to help. Complete our form below or call us at (225) 577-6223.